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Red Chili Paste Recipe | What Is The Recipe Of Red Chili Paste


  • Red chilies fresh or dry – 1 cup [I used fresh]
  • Oil – 1 tbsp


  1. If using dry red chilies then soak them in warm water till a little soft. For a milder paste, you can remove the stem and the seeds.
  2. Remove from water and grind into a smooth paste.
  3. If using fresh red chilies, wash them well and remove half the seeds as they are very very hot. Grind them into a smooth paste.
  4. Heat oil in a pan and add the paste.
  5. Let it cook on low heat for a 3 to 4 minutes. Switch off the gas.
  6. Let it cool and then put in an ice cube tray.
  7. Freeze and transfer to a zip lock bag. Use when required.